Not interested in earning BOINC rewards?
Switch to the Staking-only guide. You do not need to install or run BOINC in order to use GRC as a cryptocurrency.
BOINC Introduction
In order to earn more Gridcoin, you need to crunch one or more whitelisted BOINC projects within team Gridcoin. You must install the BOINC client!
BOINC video introductions:
Install BOINC
Navigate to the BOINC website, download and install the appropriate BOINC client on each of the computers you wish to crunch BOINC work upon. If you're not crunching projects which require VirtualBox you don't need to install BOINC+VirtualBox.
Here's some BOINC installation video tutorials:
Choose Projects on the Whitelist
Sources of whitelist data
- Gridcoin Wallet.
- Gridcoin wiki: Whitelist page
- Whitelist page
Project Selection Tips
- Choose projects with least competition. Use Gridcoinstats to help identify such projects.
- Select projects most compatible with your computer hardware, don't crunch GPU work with a CPU.
- Verify your projects have enough work available, you don't want downtime for projects to generate new work.
- Have a backup project in case your primary project runs out of work or goes down.